Sest05 Landells Establishment Trial

Trial Description

Trial ID CodeSest05
Trial NameLandells Establishment Trial
Type of TrialNutrition
SpeciesE. globulus

To test the tree growth response to 2 types site preparation - slash retained, and slash removed.
For each of these areas;
To test the tree growth response to 3 rates of fertiliser, Nil, standard and high rates.
To determine if initial soil nutrient values can be used to predict tree growth responses.

Planting Year2018
What month and year were the treatments applied?09/2018
What month and year did measurements commence?07/2018

Contact Details

Trial/Data ownerWA Plantation Resources
NameJohn Wiedemann
AddressLevel 2
53 Victoria St
Bunbury, Western Australia 6230
Map It
Phone+61 427771747
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Trial Detail

Trial DesignPaired Comparison

2 x site preparation (slash and no slash)
3 x fertiliser rates Nil, standard and high rates

Number of treatments6
Number of reps3
Measurements takenInitial heights and Ht and DBHOB in subsequent years
Measurement frequencyannual
Soil Analyses
  • Yes
Foliar Analyses
  • No
Available for further measurement
  • Yes

Site Description

StateWestern Australia
LocalityScott River
Rainfall747 mm
Evaporation1342 mm
Soil Descriptionloamy sand
Previous Land UsePlantation same species