Under a five-year program, that commenced in June 2018, Forest and Wood Products Australia will facilitate matching IPMG member company’s contributions with Commonwealth Government funds to enable effective delivery of Applied Research and Extension for the plantation industry, particularly in WA.
The additional funds will allow the IPMG to provide the capacity to enable multi-party coordination of regional or national scale applied R,D&E projects from project development, through to funding, implementation, reporting, extension and industry adoption
Expected outcomes of the implementation of an IPMG coordinating position will be:
- Improved coordination of industry-led collaborative R&D projects with greater commercial relevance
- Improved R&D operational uptake since IPMG members and other industry collaborators will be stakeholders
- Improved flexibility to increase or decrease R&D effort according to industry priorities, funding opportunities or industry cycles without individual companies having to maintain R&D capability inhouse through the downturns
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