What we do
IPMG's activities fall under the following three actions.
1. Undertake research into pest and disease management as well as plantation nutrition, encouraging the use of:
- biological control
- bio-pesticides
- silvicultural management
- varietal selection
- selective chemical control
- standard protocols for assessments of pest population and disease levels
- standard protocols for nutrient sampling and analyses
- decision support systems to determine whether or not to control specific pests and diseases
- decision support systems to determine fertiliser regimes
2. Provide technical and scientific support such as:
- insect and fungal identification
- assisting in experimental trial designs and statistical analyses
- curate a reference pest and pathogens collection
- nutrient status assessments of trees and soils
3. Facilitate information sharing and collaboration among industry members by;
- Holding regular pest and disease research and operational meetings with company staff
- Organising workshops and field days for operational and contract staff
- A practical field guide of common pests and diseases
- Providing and maintaining an online Pests and Pathogens Database
- Providing and maintaining an online literature and resources
- Publish ‘best practice’ pest and disease management guides
Mission Statement
Sustainable, adaptive forest health management
The IPMG aims to assist in minimising economic losses due to pests and diseases by sharing information, enhancing collaboration among its members and by conducting research toward the development of environmentally sustainable, economic, and effective methods of managing pests and diseases.
Our history
Bluegum plantation companies in Western Australia (WA) start to share information about pests and diseases by holding regular meetings. From these informal meetings the blue gum industry pest management group (IPMG) arises
The IPMG agrees to jointly fund a full time researcher dedicated to bluegum pest management research and Dr Andrew Loch (through CSIRO Entomology) is appointed as research scientist.
The IPMG becomes associated with the Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Production Forestry (CRC-SPF).
2003 - 2005
A new research scientist, Dr Mamoru Matsuki, is employed through University of Tasmania
2006 - 2009
The CRC-SPF ceases operating and the IPMG becomes associated with the CRC for Forestry. Initially a sub-project within the CRC it becomes a full project (project 4.4 under the umbrella of the Trees in the Landscape research program). Dr Mamoru Matsuki, is employed through Murdoch University. IPMG research is expanded to include pests and diseases in the Green Triangle area
IPMG restructured, new emphasis placed on research implementation and extension. Francisco Tovar is appointed as IPMG research scientist through Murdoch University
The finalisation of the CRC Forestry in 2012 necessitated a further restructure, with a major funding source being lost and the research scientist no longer being able to work through Murdoch University. With agreement by members the IPMG research scientist was employed by member company WA Plantation Resources (Wapres) and seconded to the IPMG on a part-time basis. Annual pest population surveys across all members estates was commenced at this time.
Ian Dumbrell replaces Francisco Tovar as the research scientist and a 5-year contract signed with Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) to match company contributions. Research scientist once again 100% working for the IPMG.
Our structure
The Industry Plantation Management Group (IPMG) is a collaborative group of Industry Members established to ensure ongoing research activities that enable sustainable production from plantations in WA. Industry members will fund the Research Scientist position (IPMG coordinator) with matching funds from FWPA.
Key areas of research interest include biosecurity, pest and disease management, soil nutrition and water management and improvements in silvicultural practice. An executive steering committee, made up of member company representatives, prioritises industry R&D interests to assist the IPMG Coordinator. Specific R&D project proposals are then prepared for approval of the executive and possible funding by FWPA or other funding bodies. The project work may be undertaken internally as industry in-kind through project partners or externally by suitable research providers. While based in WA, the IPMG may collaborate with companies, research providers and government agencies with similar R,D&E interests at State and National levels.
• Strategic research planning, coordination
• Collaborating with other researchers on externally funded projects on behalf of
• Technical guidance and representation in R&D and Biosecurity
• Coordination, analysis and reporting of industry trials
• Coordination of estate-wide surveys
• Maintenance of IPMG documentation and resources
• Consultation services regarding plantation health issues
• Providing and protecting suitable sites for research projects
• Providing materials and equipment to conduct trials (costs may be shared among
• Providing adequate maintenance of trials (weeding, fertiliser if needed)
• Providing in-kind staff time for measurement of trials
• Delivering project data and feedback to the research scientist
Our news section details some of the activities IPMG have been undertaking.