Welcome to IPMG
Welcome to the industry plantation management group, or, IPMG website! We are a membership-based collaborative research and consultative body. Our focus is on providing innovative and sustainable solutions for forest health management in the Australian plantation forestry industry.
IPMG formation
The IPMG was formed to support the Western Austral [...]
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The IPMG was formed to support the Western Australian bluegum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantation industry by conducting research and providing information regarding sustainable pest and disease management in eucalypt plantations.
Undertaking research into pest and disease managem [...]
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Undertaking research into pest and disease management and encouraging the use of biological control and bio-pesticides.
Providing technical and scientific support in inse [...]
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Providing technical and scientific support in insect and fungal identification and assisting in experimental trial designs and analyses.
Facilitate information sharing and collaboration a [...]
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Facilitate information sharing and collaboration among industry members by holding regular industry meetings, organising workshops and providing and maintaining a database and online literature and resources.
Mission Statement
Sustainable, adaptive forest health management
The IPMG aims to assist in minimising economic losses due to pests and diseases by sharing information, enhancing collaboration among its members and by conducting research toward the development of environmentally sustainable, economic, and effective methods of managing pests and diseases.
Our news section details some of the activities IPMG have been undertaking.